Interview with Eloise Todd (Pandemic Action Network)
The Pandemic Action Network is a partnership of over 350 diverse organizations founded in April 2020 by leaders in global
The Pandemic Action Network is a partnership of over 350 diverse organizations founded in April 2020 by leaders in global
Prevention Institute works to improve community health and health equity through effective primary prevention and by advocating for prevention and
The Task Force on American Electoral Reform was created by academics and scholars to study institutional solutions and reforms that
Breakthrough works to end violence against women and girls and discrimination unacceptable. They shift cultural narratives within communities and the
YouthBuild USA reengages young people who dropped out of school and supports them with education and career training opportunities. Programs
Khan Academy provides a free education for anyone, anywhere in the world. The company supports teachers and students – from
The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs promotes a global green supply chain by moving large corporations to make procurement
Fair Trade USA certifies fair trade products in the United States through regular visits to fair trade farmer cooperatives where
Citizen Schools engage underserved students in hands-on learning, in school and after school. They encourage schools, districts, and communities to
The Afghan Institute of Learning provides access to education, training to expand economic opportunities and health services, especially to women