Interview with Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto (Mitra BUMMA / Telapak)
Mitra BUMMA partners with indigenous tribes in Indonesia, supporting them to preserve forests and the biodiversity within them. Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
Mitra BUMMA partners with indigenous tribes in Indonesia, supporting them to preserve forests and the biodiversity within them. Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
Global Health Informatics Institute works at the intersection of science, engineering and global health to address issues of global health.
Media Democracy Fund is a field catalyst that brings together diverse voices to design inclusive and responsible solutions, particularly ensuring
Global Footprint Network offers a resource-accounting approach that allows countries, cities, and companies to assess how much demand they put
The Everybody Votes Campaign works to address and narrow the racial disparity that exists in access to voting. Nellie Sires
Forest Trends Association engages in innovative finance for conservation, promoting healthy forests, sustainable agriculture, clean water, robust climate action, biodiverse
The Video Consortium works to democratize the media landscape by connecting and supporting nonfiction filmmakers and visual journalists to tell
If Not Us Then Who supports environmental leadership from indigenous peoples and local communities to build networks and cultivate inclusive
InternetLab is an independent think tank focused on human rights and digital technologies. They produce evidence-based and impact oriented social
Aflatoun International offers social and financial education to children and young people around the world through a strong network of