Interview with Leslie Singer (Creative Capital Foundation)
Creative Capital Foundation supports underserved artists through an open call grant. The organization also provides professional development, educational programs, and
From HT Correspondent / Hindustan Times: Water for People partners with local leaders and communities to construct and/or rehabilitate the most contextually appropriate water systems that can be sustained by the communities in the long term, independent of philanthropic support.
Read more articles about social innovations in water systems.
Creative Capital Foundation supports underserved artists through an open call grant. The organization also provides professional development, educational programs, and
Legal expertise is often expensive and inaccessible to communities around the world experiencing environmental rights violations and other issues. Similar
If Not Us Then Who supports environmental leadership from indigenous peoples and local communities to build networks and cultivate inclusive
The Climate Action for Smallholders Coalition (CASH Coalition) aims to make regenerative agriculture and climate action profitable for smallholder farmers.