Interview with Gabrielle Fitzgerald (Panorama Global)
Panorama Global supports changemakers working on a wide range of social issues by facilitating collaborations. Gabrielle Fitzgerald of Panorama Global
From Judy Woodruff and Hari Sreenivasan / PBS NewsHour: With human injustices affecting people on the streets around the world, camera phones have become important tools to document crimes. However, the video may not adequately capture the crime to be persuasive in court. The global organization WITNESS has formed as Video As Evidence Program to instruct citizens how to best document crimes with their cameras so that the evidence will stand in court.
Panorama Global supports changemakers working on a wide range of social issues by facilitating collaborations. Gabrielle Fitzgerald of Panorama Global
VisionSpring works to expand access to affordable eyeglasses and vision screenings so that nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, government agencies, and corporate
Mitra BUMMA partners with indigenous tribes in Indonesia, supporting them to preserve forests and the biodiversity within them. Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
Ending Pandemics works with governments to ensure that there are complex, cross-sector teams available to respond to infectious disease outbreaks
The International Center for Transitional Justice supports accountability for mass atrocity and human rights violations. Listening to victims and putting