Skoll World Forum Emerging Leaders Interview: Video with Maria Antonia Hoyos

Maria Antonia holds an MA degree in Finance, Government, and International Relations and has six years of experience in Social Entrepreneurship, field work and Information and Communications Technology for Development. She is the current Director of the Digital Research and Development Department of Fundación Capital. Before this position, she co-founded LittleBigMoney, the first social-crowdfunding platform in Colombia promoted by Fundación Capital and developed the expansion strategy of one of the largest Peer to Peer MarketPlace of Latin America Afluenta (Fintech Platform). She is an active Global Shaper and outgoing curator of the Global Shapers Mexico’s Hub. She currently teaches the “Alternative Fundraising and Negotiation” module at the Masters program of Management for Development at (Externado University Colombia) and the “Financial Innovation” module at the Postgraduate Programe – Economy and Management for Inclusion at (UDELAR Uruguay).

A person holds some cash in their hands
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May 24, 2018

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