Queer Africa Network: Restoring Dignity: Video with Okong’o Kinyanjui (QAN)

Okong’o Kinyanjui is the Co-Founder and Executive Director, of the Queer African Network (QAN), a mobile application designed to ensure that every LGBTQ+ person of African heritage, both on the continent and in the diaspora, has access to the resources and meaningful connections they need to thrive. He has built a comprehensive digital platform and information hub that globally crowdsources opportunities, transnational alliances, and affirming content for LGBTQ+ persons of African heritage. His work on QAN garnered diverse support, including from Echoing Green and Numun, recognition from the Obama Africa Leaders Program and NGO-CSW at the UN, and his TED Talk on the subject has amassed over 1.4 million views. By being able to gather safely in community, he has created a space that allows his community to radically re-imagine a future beyond crisis and negotiating their existence. He aspires to continue expanding our collective imagination and invest in innovative solutions. The Queer African Network (QAN) is the only social and professional mobile application currently in existence that is built by and for LGBT+ people of African heritage to safely form meaningful connections, access opportunities, fundraise, and find life-saving information. QAN currently serves 2000+ members from 18+ countries. Our goal is to be the most secure primary mobile application used for resource sharing and mobilization on LGBT + needs across the African continent.

Social Innovator:
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Locations Where The Organization Works:
June 25, 2024

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