Interview with Michelle Arevalo (IMPAQTO Capital)
IMPAQTO Capital is an investment fund supporting social entrepreneurs in the Andean region through capital, support, and connections. Michelle Arevalo
From Ellen Berkovitch / Santa Fe Public Radio (KSFR): In many rural communities, access to specialty care represents the biggest health challenge. Since 2003, a groundbreaking initiative called Project Echo at the University of New Mexico has confronted that gap — with promising results in small towns across New Mexico and, now, around the world.
Read the Solutions Insights Lab interview with Sanjeev Arora of Project ECHO.
IMPAQTO Capital is an investment fund supporting social entrepreneurs in the Andean region through capital, support, and connections. Michelle Arevalo
SELCO Foundation is increasing access to sustainable energy in underdeveloped countries and communities by developing solutions that fit local contexts.
Thorn creates programs and technological products to help law enforcement identify child sexual abuse victims faster, help companies stop the
In countries like Cambodia, Angola, and Mozambique, rats are saving lives by detecting untriggered land mines. An international nonprofit, Apopo,
Village of Wisdom protects the intellectual curiosity and positive racial self-concept of Black children by improving their learning environments. William
APOPO, an international nonprofit, has trained Gambian pouched rats to sniff out landmines in countries across the world. These rats