What a Little Land Can Do
In many parts of the world, not owning one’s own land is more directly correlated to poverty than other factors
From Sudiksha Kochi / Borgen Magazine: Mothers2mothers employs women living with HIV as community health workers called Mentor Mothers. These Mentor Mothers work both at health facilities and door-to-door to improve the health of communities across ten African nations. They deliver integrated primary health care services to women, children, adolescents and entire families. This model improved the health of communities, while delivering meaningful employment for women living with HIV.
Find other social innovations working with women.
In many parts of the world, not owning one’s own land is more directly correlated to poverty than other factors
Albina Ruiz, founder of the social enterprise Ciudad Saludable, works with people living in areas dominated by the trash dump
Well-built housing can be the difference between life and death in an earthquake or other disaster. Build Change supports homeowners
Roots of Peace supports farmers in reclaiming their livelihoods after war. The organization works with international partners to remove land
The Conduit is a membership organization for those committed to social change by harnessing the power of creativity and entrepreneurship.
Search for Common Ground is a peacebuilding organization with the majority of its staff working in their home countries to