Helping women to run for office
Vote Run Lead provides support and training for women to run for political office in the United States and win.
From Rachel A. Becker / National Geographic: APOPO, an international nonprofit, has trained Gambian pouched rats to sniff out landmines in countries across the world. These rats have terrible vision, but an amazing sense of smell and have cleared over 13,000 mines since 1997. Training the rats takes about nine months, and includes socializing, teaching them how to walk on a rope in the field, and of course, how to sniff out minuscule amounts of TNT.
Vote Run Lead provides support and training for women to run for political office in the United States and win.
The Climate Action for Smallholders Coalition (CASH Coalition) aims to make regenerative agriculture and climate action profitable for smallholder farmers.
Gram Vikas partners with rural communities to enable them to address issues of poverty and underdevelopment. They do this by
AstroX (Astronautical Association of Malaysia) is increasing science education and engagement in Malaysia. One of the first efforts was bringing
Providing access to international networks of expertise can improve the quality of healthcare available to those living in rural and
KickStart International provides tools that enable millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa, smallholder farmers in particular, to increase their incomes