Standing Up to Bigotry and Hatred
Facing History and Ourselves provides teachers and students with research-based resources and professional learning events that challenge participants to stand
From Kate Torgovnick May / TED Blog: The ‘Crisis Text Line‘ works with teens to prevent suicide and help them deal with the pressures of depression and anxiety. The hotline connects the teens to trained counselors, who communicate with them via text messages. The resources has increased accessibility and expands access to professional mental health counseling nationwide.
Read the Solutions Insights Lab interview with Dena Trujillo of Crisis Text Line.
Facing History and Ourselves provides teachers and students with research-based resources and professional learning events that challenge participants to stand
Hip Hop Public Health (HHPH) uses hip hop tracks and videos to approach health communication and behavior change among young
The United States now has a variety of federally-supported nutrition programs, but the health care system remains disconnected from the
Indus Hospital and Health Network is made up of a nationwide healthcare network of primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities
The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment is catalyzing impact investment and entrepreneurship to benefit people and the planet. It
Black Fox Philanthropy is a fundraising firm that provides a variety of fundraising services to international NGOs and domestic nonprofits.