Fair Trade USA CEO Paul Rice on conscious capitalism, the plight of U.S. farmers
Fair Trade USA certifies fair trade products in the United States through regular visits to fair trade farmer cooperatives where
From Brian Kenny / Harvard Business Review: mPharma leverages technology to improve access to high-quality medicines by providing financing and inventory solutions to healthcare facilities and patients.
Find other social innovations in healthcare access.
Fair Trade USA certifies fair trade products in the United States through regular visits to fair trade farmer cooperatives where
Breakthrough works to make violence and discrimination against women and girls unacceptable. They shift cultural narratives within communities and the
The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (now Common Future) encourages a “localism” approach to decrease wealth disparities. By hosting
Lifeline Energy creates and distributes solar and wind-up MP3 players and radios to increase access to information and educational resources
Landesa helps families in India gain legal control over their land. Supporting women to lead the digital land records documentation
The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment is catalyzing impact investment and entrepreneurship to benefit people and the planet. It