A Mission to Stop Genital Cutting

From Amy Yee / Pulitzer Center: Many people who practice Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) consider it a private, cultural issue. The procedure, which is performed on girls, requires “cutting off the clitoris and parts of the labia and sealing the vagina partially shut.” Talking about it can be perceived as rude, or disrespectful. However, that’s exactly what community leaders, health workers, and NGO’s do, in order to eradicate the practice. “My advice is to be patient and analyze each situation and not to impose your thoughts on people. If you impose, people can be defensive.”

Read the Solutions Insights Lab interview with Carina Ndiaye and Danielle Manning of Tostan.
Read the Solutions Insights Lab interview with Yussuf Sané of Tostan.

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November 13, 2017

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