Straight talk from… Victoria Hale
The Institute for One World Health was founded in 2000 and became the first nonprofit pharmaceutical company in the United
From Geoff Bennett / PBS News Hour: CoGenerate seeks to bridge the divides between people of different ages, by bringing older and younger people together to solve problems and co-create the future.
Read about other social change organizations working to bridge divides.
The Institute for One World Health was founded in 2000 and became the first nonprofit pharmaceutical company in the United
Noora Health helps bridge information gaps in healthcare, including by training family members to serve as patient advocates for their
Some groups are making strides at ending child marriage and female genital mutilation, practices that are common and yet dangerous.
The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (now Common Future) encourages a “localism” approach to decrease wealth disparities. By hosting
The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment is catalyzing impact investment and entrepreneurship to benefit people and the planet. It
Callisto Campus has given students at 12 colleges a secure, online place to record the details of sexual misconduct and