Interview with Dr. Faith Mwangi-Powell (Girls Not Brides)
Girls Not Brides is a global network of more than 1,600 civil society organizations committed to ending child marriage and
Girls Not Brides is a global network of more than 1,600 civil society organizations committed to ending child marriage and
Prevention Institute works to improve community health and health equity through effective primary prevention and by advocating for prevention and
Unlock Aid is a coalition of social innovators seeking to drive policy changes to transform the U.S. approach to global
The Task Force on American Electoral Reform was created by academics and scholars to study institutional solutions and reforms that
Rise trains young people to use their voices and lived experiences to build students’ political power and make college more
B Lab manages the standards and certification process for B corps, meaning companies that have committed to principles of stakeholder
Conexsus provides financial, technical, and mentorship support to cooperatives and small producers in the Amazon rainforest with the goal of
Although we’ve made strides, more needs to be done to reduce disease and poverty around the world. ONE Campaign lobbies
GoodWeave International works with businesses and consumers to ensure that businesses throughout the supply chain are free from forced and/or
Ceres works with capital market leaders to integrate sustainability and climate risks into the perspectives of companies, investors, and policymakers.