In India, this group helps turn wasteland into greener pastures
An organization funded by the government called Foundation for Ecological Security is leading the charge to reforest wastelands in India
An organization funded by the government called Foundation for Ecological Security is leading the charge to reforest wastelands in India
Soil collection ceremonies offer a meaningful way to help cope with and create institutional memory of racial violence across the
Albina Ruiz, founder of the social enterprise Ciudad Saludable, works with people living in areas dominated by the trash dump
Monitoring usage incentivizes water-intensive companies to develop water-saving techniques. Boston-based nonprofit, CERES, helps companies like Pepsi and Levi’s develop more
Mangroves can store up six times more carbon than an area equal to the Amazon rainforest. However, they are rapidly
Corporations concerned about their social and environmental impact must also consider the costs. Bcorps, a new form of corporation in
For triple-bottom-line businesses, there are no guarantees that responsible practices will continue after the sale of the company. ‘B corp‘,
Building on the widespread use of mobile phones in Kenya, Angaza has developed applications to provide people with financial services.