Health Leads works locally and nationally to move racial health equity progress more effectively – in partnership and with communities
Slum Dwellers International is a community-led network comprised of majority slum dwellers. They seek to transform slums into resilient neighbourhoods
Sesame Workshop India provides a home based education early foundation in learning, health and socio-emotional skills for children and families.
Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor works to transform cities to increase access to safe water and sanitation. The
Indus Hospital and Health Network is made up of a nationwide healthcare network of primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities
Oxygen Hub is an initiative of The Institute for Transformative Technologies, an organization focused on technology-led services for low-income communities.
Jockin Arputham was an Indian community leader and activist, known for his campaigning work of more than 40 years on
Water for People partners with local leaders and communities to construct and/or rehabilitate the most contextually appropriate water systems that
YouthBuild USA reengages young people who dropped out of school and supports them with education and career training opportunities. Programs