Teaching citizens how to shoot better video when they witness brutality
With human injustices affecting people on the streets around the world, camera phones have become important tools to document crimes.
From Molly Fosco / OZY: Across the United States, tech platforms and organizations are developing ways to use data in a way that decreases police violence. They range in purpose – one maps instances of police violence, while another publishes the frequency police use force and the races of those involved. And while they’ve received some opposition, many have actually partnered with police departments to use the data to better connect with their communities and decrease the use of violence and force.
With human injustices affecting people on the streets around the world, camera phones have become important tools to document crimes.
The Transparency & Accountability Initiative is a group of donors supporting participation, openness and accountability efforts around the world. Michael Jarvis
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The Tenure Facility provides grants and technical assistance directly to Indigenous Peoples and local communities who are working for land
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Voters tend to know a lot about presidential and local candidates but little about those in between. In Sierra Leone,