Interview with Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto (Mitra BUMMA / Telapak)
Mitra BUMMA partners with indigenous tribes in Indonesia, supporting them to preserve forests and the biodiversity within them. Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
Darnell is an award-winning writer and activist, a leader in the Movement for Black Lives, and a tireless advocate for justice and liberation. He is co-managing editor of The Feminist Wire and the author of No Ashes in the Fire. His writings have appeared on several media platforms, including the Guardian, MSNBC, EBONY, Advocate, and within academic journals. Darnell has spent the last two decades working in the fields of education, youth programming, community development, and media. All that he has done is organized a singular mission, namely, to do the little he can in community to transform society by ending the intersecting injustices of gender-based violence, racism, LGBTQI discrimination, and the other structural forces that keep people on the margins. When he is not working, he is likely sitting on his stoop, at all times of the night, laughing with friends or on a plane traveling and wishing he were still on his stoop with his friends. Darnell serves on the board of Breakthrough.
Mitra BUMMA partners with indigenous tribes in Indonesia, supporting them to preserve forests and the biodiversity within them. Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
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